An email discussion list has been set up to continue the discussion started at the Convention on Modern Liberty in Bristol. Messages posted to the list will be sent to all members of the list and members can access the archive of messages on-line.
Campaigning workshop 28/2/09 - Things we can do:
- Get informed!
- Join your local NO2ID - NO2ID
- Subscribe to the NO2ID newsletter - NO2ID
- Take the NO2ID pledge - NO2ID
- Set up a local No CCTV - No CCTV
- Find out the location of CCTV cameras in your area -
- Set up a CCTV treasure hunt - The CCTV Treasure Hunt
- Take photos of the police
- NHS database opt out - NHS Confidentiality
- Secondary use service opt out - NHS Confidentiality
- Protect children from the Contact Point database - Kensignton & Chelsea council
- Reclaim DNA taken - Gene Watch
- Street campaigns
- Cut up credit cards
- Get rid of your mobile phone
- Submit Freedom of Information requests -
- Write to your MP -
- Write to your local media
- Tell all your friends, family, colleagues